“Write what you’re passionate about.” Words of advice we’ve heard many times. I also read once to “write what you hate.” Although that sounds harsh, it spurs me on to create a story from issues and events I “passionately despise”, like cruelty, campus assault, domestic violence, soft on crime for the wealthy, etc. But I also sprinkle in themes like love, hope, and compassion in order to avoid a story that is too dark or depressing. For me, mystery and cop/crime stories lend themselves to address society’s issues. I turn them into stories of everyday people who must face traumatic or unpleasant events beyond their control. I wrote my first mystery short story years ago using my character, Jack Bailey, for the first time. Reading and hearing about drunk drivers getting by with killing and injuring people is an issue that has sparked my passion, and yes, anger. Another disturbing topic for me is campus assault and the cover-up by authorities that often results. I realize that’s a generalization, but without naming names, it’s happened too frequently on certain campuses within the past ten years or more. I wanted to show the aftermath of this dilemma by writing a crime story involving this theme. I enjoy reading and writing novels that feature interesting characters who attempt to uncover motive and opportunity to attain closure… I enjoy researching police procedure and department structure, as well as details regarding forensic evidence. I rely on the internet, and I also call on a friend’s husband, a former cop, who graciously agreed to be my go-to resource for obtaining behind-the-scenes information and tidbits I don’t find online. I hope you find Bailey’s Law an interesting and relevant read. It is hitting the shelves on October 27th and you may pre-order at a 10% discount by clicking on the link --> Black Rose Writing's.
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Author Meg Lelvis